When Mrs. T sat down, I asked her if she pitied the fool. She said, "No." Then I asked her if she pitied anyone and she said, "No." Then I asked her how do you explain the Mohawk grenade? She didn't have an answer for that, too. Then I looked at her paperwork, and then back at her. I noticed she put 175 lbs. for her weight. I said, "Let's play a little Name That Tune." So I pulled out a scale and weighed her. She was 207.2 lbs. At this point I'm like, "This woman is a fat cow!" We put a cowbell on her and had her moo like a cow while she was being throated. As one would imagine, she had a lot of stuff in her stomach. It was nasty. She got fucked in her fat cow ass too. Big Red and Bootleg weren't too happy that they had to do this, and frankly, I think Mrs. T pitied them when all was said and done.