It's normal for defects on the Ghetto Gaggers set: gunshots, knife wounds, etc, but I'm always filled with glee when you give me birth defects. Like remember the chick with that lobster claw? It makes it more like the 3 ring circus it ought to be. Speaking of 3 rings, Mocha has 3 nipples. I shit you not. 3 burnt pepperonis, 2 of them stacked on top of each other. Reminded me of being on Mars in that governator movie. Ol'Tripple Nipple Mocha did a decent job in this episode. She puked all over the place. Everything was going smooth in my opinion until Mocha "flipped her wig". Well, actually, Boots took it off and she lost her mind. Atl east that was after the fucking and ball snot was amply applied to her grill. So yeah, we got a full scene... ENJOY.